Paxton Rewards

Case Study Suggestion 

A validated case study submission will earn you 25 Paxton Rewards points. A completed and published case study will earn you an additional 25 Paxton Rewards points. If your suggested case study is completed within your membership year, you will complete the ‘Paxton Case Study Collaborator’ achievement in the Paxton Rewards program and earn 100 bonus Rewards points.

Terms & conditions apply. 

Within 28 days of submission, your suggested case study will be reviewed and validated by the Paxton Marketing team. If approved, you will receive a notification email and your points will be credited to your Paxton Rewards account. If your case study is selected for publication, the Paxton Marketing team will be in touch with you directly.

Please note, successful submission of a case study suggestion is not an indication that your case study will be published. Publication is at the discretion of the Paxton Marketing team. If you have any questions about this, please contact

By completing this form, you are giving Paxton permission to publish and reproduce a case study, including your company name and logo, your company’s security solutions, and the name, location and business purpose, of your client’s site. Paxton case studies are used for educational and promotional purposes.